Tuesday 30 April 2019

A robust analysis of the crisis in universities

Professor David Midgley reviews English Universities in Crisis: Markets without Competition, by Jefferson Frank, Norman Gowar and Michael Naef

The policy objectives against which this book measures the effectiveness of the current system for funding and regulating universities in England are those of the Browne Review: to improve participation rates in higher education among the less advantaged, and to enhance quality and student choice within a diverse sector. By those measures, it shows the system established since 2010 to have manifestly failed.

Of the three authors, two are members of the Economics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London, and the third, Norman Gowar, is their former principal, a founding member of the Open University and a mathematician. Between them they provide a robust and astute diagnosis of some of the detrimental effects generated by the fee/loan system of funding introduced in 2012 and the regulatory regime established by the Higher Education and Research Act of 2017. Their volume therefore provides a valuable source of arguments for an informed critique of the proposals that are expected to emerge shortly from the Augar Review of university funding and Dame Shirley Pearce’s independent review of the TEF.

The damaging impact of removing the numbers cap

The authors are clear about the unfairness built into the fee/loan system: higher-earning graduates tend to pay back less, while those who earn less are likely to pay back more, or else be subsidised by the taxpayer. They also note that the debt burden on students tends to impede labour market flexibility. But their main target is the perverse incentives generated by the financial imperative for institutions to recruit students in combination with the removal of the cap on undergraduate numbers. The consequence has been that universities with stronger reputations absorbed the better students, while weaker institutions competed for the weaker students by the much-advertised techniques of grade inflation and lowering entry standards, and by over-investing in new buildings. The expansion of private provision appears to have exacerbated this trend.

One of their main recommendations, therefore, is that competition for good students should be stimulated by restoring the numbers cap, while making an exception for students from disadvantaged and/or non-traditional backgrounds. At the same time they point out that a serious approach to widening participation would require a restoration of means-tested fee and maintenance grants.

TEF: wasteful, misleading and counter-productive

They are no less forthright in their criticisms of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF). It is wasteful, misleading and counter-productive. It also encourages a managerial approach that treats teaching and research as separate domains rather than two halves of the same domain, and which deals with the demand for teaching by hiring in teachers on a casual basis, a practice that the authors describe as “penny-wise and pound-foolish”. Since good teaching cannot be defined in a generally applicable way, let alone quantified, the TEF should be abolished, and the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and National Student Survey (NSS) along with it.

Restore authority to external examiners

What should have been done to improve teaching when tuition fees were raised to £9,000, they argue, was to reduce student-staff ratios by employing more regular academic staff. That way the needs of individual students could be addressed where they can best be dealt with – at departmental level – by a team of people whose talents and specialities complement each other and who provide each other with the mutual support and stimulus that is necessary to fulfil their own potential and that of their students. This is one of three areas in which the authors would like to see more effective power placed in the hands of academic staff. Another is the restoration of authority to external examiners in order to counteract the propensity for grade inflation by applying sound academic judgement. The third is a rebalancing of university governance towards people who have extensive experience of what academic work actually entails.

The effectiveness of competition as a positive aid to improving standards is something they acknowledge – but it has to be the right kind of competition. It should encourage institutions to develop a high-quality service for the purposes that are germane to their own particular educational mission, rather than imitating other institutions in the hope of improving their position in the league tables. It should be such as to encourage them to raise their game in order to attract better students, and it should put them in the position of being able to plan for the long term, which is what will help them to achieve good quality, efficient management of resources, and genuine diversity.

English Universities in Crisis: Markets without Competition is published by Bristol University Press 2019, 199pp. You can buy it here.

from CDBU http://cdbu.org.uk/a-robust-analysis-of-the-crisis-in-universities/

source https://advertisingproductioncompany.tumblr.com/post/184547909140

Friday 26 April 2019

News round-up: Women with master’s degrees earn less than men without them

A master’s degree boosts earning potential, but male graduates still earn more than female ones. And there’s cross-party backing for plans to reintroduce the two-year post-study work visa

Women with master’s degrees paid less than men without them in England

The Guardian, 26/04/2019, Richard Adams

Women in England with postgraduate degrees still earn less than men with only bachelor’s degrees, while salaries for graduate men are growing at a faster pace than for their female peers, according to the latest official data on graduate earnings.

The figures from the Department for Education’s graduate labour market statistics show that women with postgraduates degrees, including master’s degrees and doctorates, earn a median pay of £37,000 a year. But men with first degrees earned an average of £38,500 in 2018, while men holding postgraduate degrees were paid £43,000.

See also:

Two degrees now needed to get higher pay

BBC, 26/04/2019, Sean Coughlan

Cross-party backing for UK post-study work visa amendment

Times Higher Education, 26/04/2019, Chris Havergal

Former universities minister Jo Johnson has attracted significant cross-party support for his bid to force the UK government to reintroduce two-year post-study work visas – suggesting that it has a strong chance of success.

The amendment to the immigration bill, which also seeks to bar any future government from capping overseas student numbers without parliamentary approval, was proposed on 26 April by Mr Johnson and Paul Blomfield, the Labour MP who is co-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for International Students.

UK stands by hybrid journals in ‘read and publish’ Springer deal

Times Higher Education, 26/04/2019, Rachael Pells

UK universities have extended their “read and publish” deal with Springer Nature, continuing to rely on hybrid journals despite growing opposition to the model.

The three-year agreement struck by Jisc Collections, announced on 26 April, will allow UK researchers to make their articles freely available in Springer-branded hybrid periodicals, and to access subscription articles too.

Brexit and post-18 review create ‘uncertainty in every direction’ for UK HE

Times Higher Education, 25/04/2019, Rachael Pells

UK universities face continued uncertainty as a consequence of the extension of the Brexit deadline and the delayed post-18 review, leaving them unable to plan ahead, warned sector leaders, who learned this week that British institutions have been forced out of a key European research project.

The European Union’s decision to allow the UK six more months to plan its departure from the bloc came as good news for those fearful of the country crashing out without a trade deal last month. But some academic leaders have expressed concerns over the impact that another six months of indecision could have on their institutions.

Questions on oversight for England’s 30K ‘subcontracted’ students

Times Higher Education, 24/04/2019, Simon Baker

The oversight of “franchised” higher education in England under the country’s new regulatory regime has been spotlighted after figures showed that some universities subcontract the teaching of thousands of students to private providers.

Data from the Office for Students suggest that more than 30,000 undergraduates will be enrolled at a university in 2018-19 but will actually be taught elsewhere for part or all of this year.

The Open University celebrates its 50th anniversary

BBC, 23/04/2019, anon

The UK’s largest academic institution is celebrating its 50th birthday. Founded in 1969, the Open University delivers flexible distance-learning opportunities to about 9,000 people in Wales.

Here two of its alumni share their stories, and explain how the OU transformed their lives for the better.

Elsevier in €9m Norwegian deal to end paywalls for academic papers

Financial Times, 23/04/2019, Patricia Nilsson

Elsevier, the academic publisher, will on Tuesday announce a €9m deal with a Norwegian consortium under which published research will be freely accessible. The agreement follows several contract terminations by universities in the US and Europe who accused the company of not meeting demand for open access to scientific studies published in its journals.

Plans to end compulsory records on UK’s non-academic staff ‘shocking’

Times Higher Education, 23/04/2019, Nick Mayo

Proposals to end the compulsory collection of data on non-academic staff in the key figures on the higher education workforce have been criticised as a “retrograde step” that neglects their “crucial role” in universities.

The Higher Education Statistics Agency, the designated data body in England, is consulting on the services that it offers to higher education providers.

Quality bodies urged to tackle higher education ‘corruption’

Times Higher Education, 19/04/2019, Anna McKie

A report that details “significant corruption” in higher education worldwide – including professors with fake doctoral degrees in Russia and officials at a Japanese university adjusting results to keep out female students – warns that quality bodies lack the mechanisms to uncover and root out corruption.

Researchers from Coventry University undertook an in-depth literature review and conducted an international survey of quality assurance bodies around the world. Their report, sponsored and published by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation – the US group of degree-awarding institutions – and its International Quality Group, not only finds “significant corruption in higher education” but also that quality bodies around the world often lack the procedures necessary to unearth corruption.

EU students to get free university tuition in Scotland until 2024 while English pay up to £9,250 a year

Daily Telegraph, 19/04/2019, Simon Johnson

SNP ministers have announced that EU students will continue getting free university tuition in Scotland until at least 2024 even if Brexit removes the legal obligation to give them the taxpayer-funded perk.

Until now, EU laws have meant the Scottish Government has had to extend its free tuition policy for Scots to students from the Continent at a cost of around £93 million a year.

UK universities pay out £90m on staff ‘gagging orders’ in past two years

The Guardian, 17/04/2019, Simon Murphy

UK universities have spent nearly £90m on payoffs to staff that come with “gagging orders” in two years, raising fears that victims of misconduct at higher education institutions are being silenced.

As many as 4,000 settlements, some of which are thought to relate to allegations of bullying, discrimination and sexual misconduct, have been made with non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) attached since 2017.

Conference cancelled amid speakers’ fears over fallout with transgender lobby

Daily Telegraph, 13/04/2019, Camilla Turner

An immigration conference has been cancelled amid fears of a backlash from the transgender lobby, it has emerged.

The Centre for Crime and Social Justice (CCSJ) was planning to hold a summit in June for academics and lawyers to discuss a new Home Office initiative aimed at identifying and deporting foreign criminals.


from CDBU http://cdbu.org.uk/news-round-up-women-with-masters-degrees-earn-less-than-men-without-them/

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Tuesday 23 April 2019

Media Planning Agencies in Byford Common #Media #Planner...

Media Planning Agencies in Byford Common #Media #Planner #Companies #Byford #Common

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184397176777

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Radio Ad Creation in Dolydd #Radio #Advert #Production #Dolydd...

Radio Ad Creation in Dolydd #Radio #Advert #Production #Dolydd

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184393711032

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Radio Advertising Agency in Clenchwarton #Advertising #on #the...

Radio Advertising Agency in Clenchwarton #Advertising #on #the #Radios #Clenchwarton

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184390546217

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SEO Backlink Building Specialists in Inverclyde #SEO #Link...

SEO Backlink Building Specialists in Inverclyde #SEO #Link #Building #Experts #Inverclyde

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184387677562

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Company Rebranding Services in Cheshire #Corporate #Business...

Company Rebranding Services in Cheshire #Corporate #Business #Rebrand #Specialists #Cheshire

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184385575697

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Monday 22 April 2019

PhoneBox Advertising in Brampton, The #BT #Phone #Box...

PhoneBox Advertising in Brampton, The #BT #Phone #Box #Advertising #Brampton, #The

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184373560557

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Tram Advertising in Mowsley [POSTCODE] #Tram #Stop #Ads #...

Tram Advertising in Mowsley [POSTCODE] #Tram #Stop #Ads # #Mowsley

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184370134902

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Company Rebranding Services in Cardiff #Corporate #Business...

Company Rebranding Services in Cardiff #Corporate #Business #Rebrand #Specialists #Cardiff

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184366960277

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Billboard Advertising in Fermanagh | Advertise on Billboards...

Billboard Advertising in Fermanagh | Advertise on Billboards #Billboards #Advertisements #Fermanagh

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184364024217

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Radio Advertising Agency in Lincolnshire #Advertising #on #the...

Radio Advertising Agency in Lincolnshire #Advertising #on #the #Radios #Lincolnshire

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184361896817

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Sunday 21 April 2019

Print Advertising Agency in Newtownabbey #Print #Management...

Print Advertising Agency in Newtownabbey #Print #Management #Companies #Newtownabbey

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184349720632

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Internet Advertising in Ballymoney | Online PPC Near Me #Pay...

Internet Advertising in Ballymoney | Online PPC Near Me #Pay #Per #Click #Experts #Near #Me #Ballymoney

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184346147197

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TV Ad Creation in Aberdeenshire #Television #Ad #Production...

TV Ad Creation in Aberdeenshire #Television #Ad #Production #Aberdeenshire

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184342705672

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Company Rebranding Services in Hill Wootton #Corporate #Business...

Company Rebranding Services in Hill Wootton #Corporate #Business #Rebrand #Specialists #Hill #Wootton

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184339823327

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Advertising at Train Stations in Saverley Green #Train #Station...

Advertising at Train Stations in Saverley Green #Train #Station #Adverts #Saverley #Green

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184337865467

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Saturday 20 April 2019

Product Launch Advertising Agency in Selsey #New #Product...

Product Launch Advertising Agency in Selsey #New #Product #Marketing #Company #Selsey

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184326210867

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TV Ad Creation in Wrexham #Television #Ad #Production #Wrexham...

TV Ad Creation in Wrexham #Television #Ad #Production #Wrexham

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184322799702

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Logo Designer in Barlanark #Corporate #Logos #Design #Barlanark...

Logo Designer in Barlanark #Corporate #Logos #Design #Barlanark

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184319526807

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SEO Backlink Building Specialists in Warwickshire #SEO #Link...

SEO Backlink Building Specialists in Warwickshire #SEO #Link #Building #Experts #Warwickshire

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184316605732

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Advertising Production Companies in Orkney Islands #Orkney...

Advertising Production Companies in Orkney Islands #Orkney #Islands

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184314744917

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Friday 19 April 2019

Media Buying Agency in Buckinghamshire #Media #Buyer #Agencies...

Media Buying Agency in Buckinghamshire #Media #Buyer #Agencies #Buckinghamshire

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184303018767

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TV Ad Creation in Antrim #Television #Ad #Production #Antrim...

TV Ad Creation in Antrim #Television #Ad #Production #Antrim

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184299601422

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Airport Marketing in Wilmington #Advertising #in #Airports...

Airport Marketing in Wilmington #Advertising #in #Airports #Wilmington

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184296263062

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Music Festival Marketing Agency in Falkirk #Music #Concert...

Music Festival Marketing Agency in Falkirk #Music #Concert #Advertising #Company #Falkirk

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184293387727

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PhoneBox Advertising in Angus #BT #Phone #Box #Advertising...

PhoneBox Advertising in Angus #BT #Phone #Box #Advertising #Angus

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184291357667

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Thursday 18 April 2019

Advertising at Train Stations in Hoofield #Train #Station...

Advertising at Train Stations in Hoofield #Train #Station #Adverts #Hoofield

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184279621297

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Full Service Marketing Agencies in Arlington #Digital #Media...

Full Service Marketing Agencies in Arlington #Digital #Media #Agency #Arlington

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184276301922

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Facebook Ad Agency in Fairstead #Facebook #Advert #Company...

Facebook Ad Agency in Fairstead #Facebook #Advert #Company #Fairstead

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184273301447

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Business Promotion Agency in Hertfordshire #Promotion #Marketing...

Business Promotion Agency in Hertfordshire #Promotion #Marketing #Company #Hertfordshire

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184270616217

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Social Media Advertising Agency in Carrickfergus #Social #Media...

Social Media Advertising Agency in Carrickfergus #Social #Media #Marketing #Experts #Carrickfergus

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184268541727

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Wednesday 17 April 2019

Outdoor Marketing Specialists in Ballymoney #Outdoor...

Outdoor Marketing Specialists in Ballymoney #Outdoor #Advertising #Agency #Ballymoney

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184256942662

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Instagram Ad Agency in Rhondda Cynon Taf #Instagram #Advertising...

Instagram Ad Agency in Rhondda Cynon Taf #Instagram #Advertising #Company #Rhondda #Cynon #Taf

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184253536712

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Full Service Marketing Agencies in Southgate #Digital #Media...

Full Service Marketing Agencies in Southgate #Digital #Media #Agency #Southgate

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184250514627

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Radio Ad Creation in Flintshire #Radio #Advert #Production...

Radio Ad Creation in Flintshire #Radio #Advert #Production #Flintshire

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184247816952

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Theatre Show Marketing Company in Down #Theatre #Performance...

Theatre Show Marketing Company in Down #Theatre #Performance #Advertising #Agency #Down

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184245674902

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Tuesday 16 April 2019

Event Promotion Specialists in West Midlands #Events #Marketing...

Event Promotion Specialists in West Midlands #Events #Marketing #Company #West #Midlands

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184234070787

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Copywriting Services in Dumfries and Galloway #Content #Writing...

Copywriting Services in Dumfries and Galloway #Content #Writing #Services #Dumfries #and #Galloway

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184230633257

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Logo Designer in Kingston #Corporate #Logos #Design #Kingston...

Logo Designer in Kingston #Corporate #Logos #Design #Kingston

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184227466172

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YouTube Advertising Agency in Na h-Eileanan an Iar #YouTube #Ad...

YouTube Advertising Agency in Na h-Eileanan an Iar #YouTube #Ad #Company #Na #h-Eileanan #an #Iar

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184224750772

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Monday 15 April 2019

Corporate Brand Marketing Agency in Bridgend #Professional...

Corporate Brand Marketing Agency in Bridgend #Professional #Brand #Advertising #Specialists #Bridgend

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184210762097

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Interactive Taxi TV Ads in North Ayrshire #Touch #Screen #Taxi...

Interactive Taxi TV Ads in North Ayrshire #Touch #Screen #Taxi #Advertising #North #Ayrshire

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184204030382

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Online Business Reputation Experts in North Down #Company...

Online Business Reputation Experts in North Down #Company #Reputation #Management #Specialists #North #Down

from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184201254917

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The Augar Review: half a solution to half of the problem

The Augar Review is expected to recommend a cut in tuition fees. But instead of focusing on who pays for higher education, we should start by asking what higher education is for, argues Eric Lybeck, Leverhulme early career fellow at the Manchester Institute of Education

University leaders are waiting with bated breath for the conclusions of a report headed by Philip Augar, commissioned by the government to review post-compulsory education in the UK. If initial predictions play out, the higher education sector (HE) will be looking at a cut to student fees from £9,250 to £7,500.

Universities are rightly worried that a 19% drop in the unit of resource would effectively amount to a cut in funding for the sector, which will presumably be expected to do more with less. But in our hand-wringing about the precise amount of income universities can expect, we have lost sight of the bigger picture: no matter what solutions the Augar Review recommends, these will be half-measures addressing symptoms of a much bigger problem. Whether we drop fees by £1,000 or £9,000, we must face the central crisis eating at the core of our higher education system: namely, the evacuation of the public value and purpose of education, knowledge and expertise.

A last-ditch effort to capture the youth vote

Indeed, a more accurate, but less catchy title for this blog would be that Augar will provide less than half of a solution to less than half of the problem. This stems from the basis upon which the problem was articulated. For the premise of reducing fees is a last-ditch effort by a Conservative Party fearful of the rising popularity of Labour amongst youth voters, who are fond of the latter’s pitch to abolish fees altogether. In both instances, however, we are looking at a giveaway to a special interest group, rather than a reconsideration of what universities or education is for. And, I mean this as no slight, since so much of politics these days consists of appeals to voters’ immediate self-interest, and more often than not, it’s not young people, but rather property-owning elders in whose interest the bulk of public policy is written.

In practice, the Conservatives’ plan won’t help them win back young people when over 83% of their party’s voters are over 45. It’s possible a fee cut might appeal to students’ parents, but the present loan system isn’t currently a financial burden to parents. Any number of other policies – such as tackling inflation, or reducing council tax – could arguably cater better for their (parents’) needs.

We might then turn to the second ostensive reason for Augar’s review, namely the imbalance within tertiary education between higher education and further education (FE). Indeed, there has been a dramatic fall in funding for the latter since HE fees were introduced, but that is largely due to cuts in public expenditure in both sectors. Only in one sector (HE) has that funding been replaced by a system of fees and loans. This put all of the incentives for students pursuing tertiary education to go into HE rather than FE, and, undoubtedly, there is some need to redress this imbalance when it is by no means clear that every young person should obtain credentials in university level courses rather than through college or apprenticeship training.

Students are reacting to a disincentive

But, recall here that we are actually speaking of a disincentive introduced by withdrawal of public funding, which students and families react to rationally by not enrolling, rather than an incentive structure of consumers making preferential choices as the fantasists in government and think-tanks imagine. The same logic applies to the precipitous decline in adult and part-time higher education, where the problem is not insufficient demand, but an artificial lack of supply produced by the unthought-through fee/loan set-up that presumes an 18-22 year old homo economicus enrolling on a homogenized, mass produced degree course. Is it any wonder our universities increasingly offer the same set of courses for the same types of students?

Dropping the fee tariff by a quarter or more does nothing to change this literally stupefying dynamic tending towards higher education as a mass-market commodity for the largest common denominator. Yet in spite of every attempt by government and institutional marketing to script them as consumers, students ultimately want what they have wanted since the dawn of universities in the middle ages: an education.

The government’s decision to commission Augar is a failure to understand the patterns of identification at work in higher education. They try to appeal to young people as voters and want them to identify with their party and the state as the one who has given them a break.  Similarly, university managements, who have catered to and, at times, encouraged this consumer-model of higher education provision, expect students to identify with them as providers giving them the products they want (though not at low prices, as would occur if higher education was or could be a market).

In fact, other than with their peers, students seem to identify most with their lecturers, as became evident during the course of the strikes last year over our USS pensions. Taking the university managers by surprise, a large number of students blamed employers, rather than employees (academics) for the fiscal problem at hand, and trusted us when we argued (rightly) that there was no deficit in our pension and that the effective pay cut was being imposed unfairly.

The shady tricks of government accounting

Indeed, young people, despite their relative lack of experience with the full range of political problems facing the world today, share with other parts of the public the recognition that the powers-that-be do not listen properly. Why should anyone trust the political parties that willingly imposed a dramatic cut in direct grant funding to universities in order to produce a fiscal illusion that transferred the appearance of liability from the Treasury budget to individual student debt accounts? That is just shady tricks, and is typical of the governments’ policies in general. Which policy will appeal more to young people who see this plain as day: a slight reduction in debt for those lucky enough not to have enrolled between 2012 and 2020? Or, any policy which fairly pays for the higher education of the next generation by taxing the past, present and future winners of the knowledge economy?

For there is more at stake in the mechanisms through which we fund higher and further education than the questions of ‘who pays?’ and ‘how much?’ The difference is whether higher learning is understood to be of intrinsic public value, which the present system distorts by imagining universities exist to deliver products to individualised student-consumers.

Certainly, university leaders are right to worry about what any cut to current fees will do to institutional finances, particularly if this is not replaced by direct grant – but, as the recent spate of threats of university closures demonstrates – these are the anxieties of individual institutions worried about their own fate on a competitive market, rather than concerns for the fate of higher education in general, which has been suffering during an otherwise golden era for the handful of institutions that thrive in the current funding environment. If we had a clear sense of the public value of higher learning, to include education of 18-22 year olds, but also a range of other functions – adult and part-time education, public lectures, to say nothing of research and culture for its own sake – we could organise the whole set-up differently.

Augar is at best a half measure

This is precisely what Augar does not do and why it will be a half-measure at best, even on its own terms. For it does not provide a position from which we can reimagine and reconstruct a system of higher learning in this country which determines the best, most efficient, fairest and highest quality means of educating the entire public, from HE to FE to everyone who does not or has not enrolled in tertiary education.

The task now for those of us working and studying in higher education institutions is to ask: how do we reconstruct the public value of education, in general? How do we articulate a set of activities, practices and interactions with ourselves and the public beyond university walls that resonates with and engages the widest set of communities and stakeholders? Only then should we turn to the question of how we as a society pay for those activities.

In tolerating the existing fee system, wringing our hands in fear of the pending cuts, we have allowed the secondary question of where the money comes from to upend the very purpose and function of higher learning all together. Any university that allows such a debasement of what George Eliot called our ‘moral currency’ is hardly worthy of its name.

from CDBU http://cdbu.org.uk/the-augar-review-half-a-solution-to-half-of-the-problem/

source https://advertisingproductioncompany.tumblr.com/post/184199735495

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from PromoAdvertising https://promoadvertisinguk.tumblr.com/post/184199185052

source https://advertisingproductioncompany.tumblr.com/post/184199216050

Sunday 14 April 2019

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